Sunday, September 6, 2020

Day 250 : Birds Nest


Day 250: Birds Nest - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 250 : Birds Nest

Today's button is I think my favourite so far :) 
Inspired by a photo that a school friend posted on Facebook of the birds nest fungus (Cyathus Striatus). Fungi are some of the most interesting shapes I think - almost as good as seed pods - and these are so lovely!

The nest was made using my Yorkshire button mould, and really fine linen. The 'eggs' are little ball buttons - yes, gathered fabric - dyed with fabric ink. I shaped the nest and used a little bit of Paverpol to stiffen, and thought about how I would get the wet look of the raindrop in the fungus. First thought, glossy gel medium. Only thing is, I don't really like glossy gel medium, so only have matt! I decided to try some ultra thick embossing powder. I built it up in layers, and while the photo doesn't really show it, there is quite a bit of a glossy 'wet' look. 

Here's a side view

One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett - day 250 side view

Size: 18mm / 6⁄8" / 28L


  1. The local hummingbirds are so envious! So you just made an airy Yorkshire and squished it together after gathering? Clever, clever, clever! And inspiring - fruit basket - apples or oranges? Acorn cap? Yes, with a wool football shape sort of pummeled into acornity. Hum - spellcheck thinks acornity is a word! Go figure. You are going to get a ton comments on this one. Keep the notes on making. 2021 -the acorn button kit for advanced buttoneers! It is 99f where I am sitting and it has just gone noon - over 100f by 3pm. Not too sticky, for a mercy. Don was wondering how he ever survived Viet Nam and then we remembered we were more than 50 years younger - the young bounce better. I think that is my most serious complaint about aging - you just don't bounce back as well. I'll give some thought to doing a blog - there are other people who would talk to me that way. Have to see what my tech support says. Off to prepare a nice cool dish of fruit and yoghurt with a dash of granola - cooling and filling. Do stay well. C in C xxx

    1. I know - I thought the same thing - I need lots and lots of basketie-nestie-cappie type buttons in my life. I am planning a few more. Acorn buttons are so often satin wrapped passementerie with a netted top. these could be far more interesting...
      Gosh, over 100f not my thing. But yes, it the age thing. I've just been thinking about that myself, energy levels are really not what they were.
      Fruit and yogurt - my every evening snack :) xx

  2. Hot weather and fire update - 7:22pm Sunday - Do Not Get In A Swivit! Closest fires are at least 55 miles away and there's a whole lot of stuff in between. Thought I'd better say something when I looked out at a very pink smoke sunset. You can check for up to the minute news. The news people are, of course, making all the hay they can. We are staying in with fans, damp tea towels, and lots of liquid. Stay well. xxx

    1. Does the smoke travel in your direction? I can't imagine the air is very nice with so much fire and heat. I know that there are fires most years, but I still always find it upsetting. The poor wildlife.
      Please keep cool and stay safe - take care both of you xxx
