Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 97 : Blackthorn

One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett - Day 97 : Blackthorn

Day 97: Blackthorn

Today's button is based on a pretty vintage set in my collection. The set includes little buttons and a larger button brooch (with a safety pin). I've no idea when it was made, but the card that everything has been stitched to is certainly dog-eared (what a funny expression - dogs have lovely ears!). The interesting thing about the originals is that they are not Dorset buttons, nor are they zwirnknopfes (you can read more about the differences here). In fact, the ring hasn't been covered with blanket stitches at all! I do wish I knew where these were made! Perhaps I'll need to call them Lincolnshire buttons, as that's where we are....

I've used a No 39 ring and perle cotton No 12. And lots of French knots this time, instead of my usual colonial knots.

Size: 24mm / 15⁄16th" / 38L