Sunday, August 30, 2020

Day 243 : Circuitry


Day 243 : Circuitry - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 243 : Circuitry

This button is a combination - the ring is one of a load that I picked up, described as button rings. I don't think they are - I've never seen a button with this type of ring. I expect the are decorative curtain rings, or even a bead. They are nice though, most are like this with a bit of a flat profile. Turns out that a little acrylic disc I had fit perfectly inside. So, a bit of embroidery and wrapping and an unusual button is born.

Well, it's still cold. Typical August Bank Holiday! Guess it is a good job all plans are off... 

Size: 23mm / 7⁄8" / 36L