Day 118 : Macaroni
Today's button is based on my latest acquisition - which arrived at the weekend. I was so pleased with it I had to try a version! I am quite sure, from the size and materials, that the original is 18th century, and I can imagine a macaroni wearing it, hence the name. The original uses pink instead of purple and blue instead of the green-blue, but I think the colours are still a good choice.
I've used a button mould prototype that will, eventually, be available with any luck. Right before lockdown, our order of a lot of different button moulds had just been completed - in India. And India went into lockdown. In actual fact, the original has such a flat button mould that I reckon a No 3 mould would have been fine :)
I've used Au ver a Soie Silks - Gobelins for the ground - it should have been Ovale, but I didn't have any at the house - and Perlee for the others. Which is bang on when comparing to the original. :)
Size : 27mm / 1" / 44L