Day 139 : Metta
Today's button is another from an extant item of clothing - apparently from the 1640s, in the MET. Those who study garments are unsure of it. The buttons and buttonholes aren't particularly suspicious, if a little unusual. The five divisions isn't very common anyway, and nothing screams at me as being wrong with them generally, from the images I've seen. And sometimes a replacement button really does scream out to me! There is a lot wrong with the garment on the whole for others, and so this may be a little addition in the new book, not a main :)
I have used a gold thread that I bought many years ago as vintage. As there is no tarnish at all, I reckon I got a good bargain on this, there must be some real gold in the metal. The green is Au Ver a Soie Soie Ovale, and the mould is a No 1.
And the name? It started out as me being silly - MET Museum = Metta - then I did a quick search and Metta means all sorts of lovely things and is a form of meditation for directing well wishes. Perfect.
Size: 16mm / 5⁄8" / 24L