Saturday, August 22, 2020

Day 235 : Madness


Day 235 : Madness - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 235 : Madness

Titled because I must be a bit mad to make such a small knot. I did not think it would photograph and I would have to make another button quickly! A little gaucho knot made of perle cotton around a tuft of more cotton - finished with a bit of ink brushed onto the ends.

I do hope everyone has a lovely weekend. I'm trying to stay clear of the computer!

Size : 10mm / 7⁄8" / 18L


  1. What a sweetums! Thank you. Oh - looked up square mileage - Britain has 93,628 - California has 163,696. There is an awful lot of space. But I must say the news from up north is gruesome in the extreme. Sorry to see redwoods going - they are so awe inspiring. Hold good thoughts for them - they can recover from the right sort of fire. Do not come near the computer until Monday - except to pin up the Sunday button. xx

    1. Such terrible pictures coming through. Please stay safe x
