Friday, August 21, 2020

Day 234 : The Capro


Day 234 : The Capro - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 234 : The Capro

Here's something quite different for today's button, introducing 
"The Capro Button Maker" 

This is made using the materials in a little box, consisting of a clear top, clear bottom, little tube of what I can only assume is glue, and a piece of rough cloth (for cleaning excess glue?). I didn't use the glue, goodness knows if there's even anything usable, but it might also be highly poisonous for today. Nor did I use the scrap of fabric. Sadly, there were no instructions in the box. But, I think it was pretty straightforward - add your cloth, some glue and push together. 

The Capro Button Maker vintage

What I discovered was the cloth actually has to be really fine/thin to work at all. Perhaps then intended for silks? I've no idea what the age is. I want to say the 1930s, but then thought "It looks injection moulded, so no, too early". Quick search - turns out the first injection moulding machine was invented in 1872! Apparently it really took off in the 1940s, so perhaps this is closer to that. 

If anyone does know, please do let me know!

I chose a piece of really fine Egyptian muslin that I dyed many moons ago, and a piece of super fine silk ribbon woven by me. I am still very proud of this ribbon, it is soo very fine. This was part of what turned out to be perhaps the most important commission I've had to date - in that this commission, besides being for lots of woven ribbon and trim, was also for buttons.

And so began the obsession...

Size: 17mm / 11⁄16" / 26L


  1. I know the customer can not possibly have gotten the pure joy from this project that you did in the making of the ribbons and buttons. I do hope that after coming to grips with what the silk would and would not do you achieved the zen/channeling/groove - I always find it both weird and comforting to feel generations of women pouring their skill through my hands -ok, that really is strange but I think you know what I mean. And the little button globe is super! I hope someone can tell us about the product. Stay well. Regards to M & T. C in C xx

    1. I really enjoy working with silk. Especially weaving - when I have fought with it and tamed it. Wool, I often have very big fights with and don't always win.
      I totally get what you mean - and remain in complete awe of those past generations. Stay well both xx
