Friday, July 24, 2020

Day 206 : Tiptop

Day 206 : Tiptop - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 206 : Tiptop

A combination button today. The top is a teeny zwirnknopfe using super fine lace thread - one of my trials to see how close I can get to my vintage buttons. This one actually isn't bad at all - I was quite please with it!

The domed section is made by gluing two different types of ring together, and then wrapping them in a braided cotton cord. The little button was then stitched in place - those dark stitches are the holding stitches. 

In other news, I've learnt today that some of my buttons are in the current issue of Vogue. Not noted as being mine of course - buttons that I supplied for Pinsent Tailoring's awesome hand sewn hussars uniform. However, I feel totally justified in mentioning it, as the buttons are a pretty big part of the garment! Here's the link to Zack's facebook page and one of the images (hopefully!)

Size : 16mm / 5⁄8" / 26L


  1. Wheeeeeee! Those are yummy buttons! Did you make the braid too? And I think I must agree with the ladies - he would have worn the garments! Although the young actor is pretty good. Speaking of tiny - Nancy Nearing had an article in a crochet magazine some time ago about crocheting buttons and she made her own rings with hole punches and plastic - I tried it and it works but I'm too blind and crunked up to really work at it. Anyway, the point is - hole punches will give you very tiny rings! Stay well and regards to that Toby pup. Charlotte in California

    1. I didn't make the braid - commercially made I recall. Poor Zack needed an awful lot!

      Nancy is the queen of crochet buttons - she does such fine work, that's a great tip! I've used the waste from hole punches for deaths heads - I was in a mood the other year to see how small I could go.
