Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day 326 : Cosmos

Day 326 : Cosmos - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 2326 : Cosmos

Today's button combines some ordinary stitching (using one of our button border stamps for the circles!) and plushwork stitching. I love plushwork. But then again I love pompoms and velvet too :) As I used a variegated thread, the randomness of the colours turned out really well. 

Still working away on the tassel - onto the goldwork macrame overskirt this evening and tomorrow. That will take a fair bit of time as the thread is so small. 

I do hope you are all having a lovely weekend.



  1. Wow! At first glance I thought you had figured out how to put a bit of semi-precious gem onto a button - truly fabulous thread! I'll bet there's about two inches left and even that tiny bit sits on the table and sparkles at you. I agree, it is so much fun to make plushy, velvety spots. I have a very small Japanese nap raising device made to raise nap on Bunka embroidery - works a treat but you must use great care to protect the surrounding fabric and the whole room gets full of flying fuzzy bits.
    How nice that Mark likes to dress up the house - I'm sure it looks wonderful every year. I'm lucky to get a decent vacuuming in, never mind trimming, except for the tiny tree.
    It is quite noisy here today - a large group of small children on one corner, and what I thought was a cement mixer making a pour on the other - seems to be the son on the other corner with some ancient motor vehicle ( so glad he finally moved away from home so there was an end to constant motorcycle repair on the lawn and drunken , loud fights with his girl friend - yuck!). I do hope he is just visiting. The parents are so nice that we wonder if the son is a changeling left by gipsies!
    Tried to locate the picture of the shiny buttons with no luck. Thank you for the try.
    Hugs to all. Charlotte xxx

  2. Do you get ostrich feather fans in the sky this time of year? We just came from our walk and there was a lovely bunch of plumes from just south of the setting sun almost all the way to the eastern horizon - another real pleasure at this time of year, along with the glorious light. Hope you have good clouds this weekend. C in C xxx

    1. We do get some pretty impressive skies, but I have not heard that phrase, although I can image what you might mean. I say we do, it is just dull lately. Today brightened in the afternoon thankfully (although that will mean extra cold tonight of course).

      The changeling idea made me laugh. I've known children like that.

      Hmm, I'll have to see if I can find a better link to the image.

      I hope you are both keeping well and safe. And warm! xxx
