Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Day 260 : Preppy


Day 260 : Preppy - One Button a Day 2020 by Gina Barrett

Day 260 : Preppy

Very experimental today. I've been prepping for my next Hochanda show (not for a while yet, just trying to get ahead) and end up creating something in classic preppy colours. And you have be at least a certain age and from a certain place to even remotely get that.

Cold weather and aches and pains again. Boy do I hate getting old. I expect my crafting will change quite a bit as I get older as my joints ache such a lot already. Goodness - I sound a bit bleak! Sorry, totally not intentional! In good news, our local stray is visiting more and more often - didn't even run off the last time we came back and she was in the garden, 5 or 6 ft away - even with Toby next to us!

Keep well everyone.

Size: 30mm / 1 3⁄16" / 48L


  1. These last three buttons have a lot of potential for playing with colours and maybe different threads. I love buttons - so many ways to play with not too much time or money invested, and the end product is often useful. Don says we had Russians prowling around our google area so he changed passwords which upset your blogger place and then our internet provider crashed and the reset forgot the changed password -- my head is just aching but Himself made it all well! I am so sorry you have nasty weather aches and pains. We have to remember that getting older is not for wooses - which we are not! Sounds as if you may have a new family member - when she walks in and takes the chicken off your dinner plate you will know for sure (that's what our Spooky did - then she climbed straight up a seven foot screen to survey her new kingdom). Try to stay warm and dry - that knit hat that can't be worn out of the house will help and break out the wool socks. Seems like yesterday we were fainting from the heat!! Time to collect ourselves and go hunt and gather - I think I will treat us to a nice slice of cake for a reward. Regards to all. Charlotte in California xxx

  2. Marketing mostly finished - ran out of steam after two stores and there are no Costa coffee places to buy a reviving cup. German Chocolate cake for encouragement - yum!!!! I find that a teaspoon of golden raisins, well soaked (a week or more) inn plain old London gin, helps my hip and knee joints quite a bit, and I know if I let up for more than a week I will start aching. If you can do gin and raisins it might be worth a go. Thinking about the "new" Facebook - I'm sure it is the new hires making the changes - the kids that started with Teletubbies and went downhill from there. All we can do is try not to sink as far as the common denominator and try to keep our ends up. Stay well. C in C xx

    1. My goodness what a hassle you've had! I hate computer issues. Even though most of mine are self-inflicted. You have made me laugh about the Teletubbies! I needed that! The cake sounds lovely. And the gin - I am so trying that. I wonder if Greek currants would work (have a bag that the label is telling me are nearly out of date) just as well - either way I am sure they'd be quite nice too. Yes, she's around a few times of day now. The road out front is so busy, its a worry. xxx

    2. And you are absolutely right about buttons - I think that's why I keep coming back to them inbetween every other craft - just a few materials and a little time and something lovely at the end of it. xxx Keep well both!

    3. Sorry - it does seem to be just golden raisins and for heavens sake don't use any of that posh stuff that comes in fancy bottles. Believe me when I say that tastes foul and is a waste of good raisins!!!!! Plain old London Gin and golden raisins- i think they are made from Thompson's Seedless grapes. Anyhow, if I have my spoonful every day I can sit on the floor with a project and get up after an hour without shrieking in pain. And the jar doesn't need refrigeration, just covering, and the last bit of syrupy gin in the bottom is fabulous on vanilla ice cream. Good luck! Stay well. xxx

    4. Thank you! I'll be doing some proper shopping tomorrow then for golden raisins and everyday London gin! xx
