Day 167 : Ebb .
Today's button is something different!
I used the same ground fabric as yesterday's button. However, I stitched down torn pieces of handmade papers (fibres of which are unknown, stash stuff!). I've added a bit of random stitching and knots with embroidery floss (1 or 2 strands). I did pad a little when I covered the button mould, and then I coated the whole thing with a layer of "Fabricoat".
This is a waterproof gel which is used to get a washable, waterproof fabric, which I have had for a couple of years at least with the intention of using it for buttons. Honestly, I haven't tried it until now! I haven't followed the instructions - this hasn't been heat treated, so won't be fully waterproof, but there is definitely a protective layer. Which also glistens a little like water...
I am definitely going to try this again...
(Oh, and blogger has changed the dang interface again!! grrrrr)
Size: 25mm / 1" / 40L
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